Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Sewer Camera Inspection

Today's topic is one that property owners, buyers and agents give little attention until a major issue occurs or escrow has closed, "Main Sewer Line Condition"...

Ever wonder why you rarely have a main line sewer issue until maybe the holidays when you have 20 people at your house? It's not because the problem occurred on that specific day but rather you've introduced enough waste volume for the sewer plumbing issue to expose itself.

If your property's main sewer line plumbing is 20+ years old, it's time for a "Sewer Camera Inspection". These simple and affordable services will provide you with a live video feed of the main sewer line interior configuration and condition. Your licensed plumber will be able to witness breaks, cracks, low spots holding water, misalignment and or intrusion issues. They'll also witness the main sewer line lateral connection to your local municipalities main sewer system or in some cases, lack thereof...

Here's a short video on sewer camera inspections:


Remember, always use licensed contractors when working on your property, pull those permits when required and when in doubt, error on the side of safety.

Call us today - we perform home and commercial inspections throughout Southern California including Laguna Niguel, Dana Point, Irvine, San Clemente, Mission Viejo, Aliso Viejo and a community near you!


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