Sunday, January 27, 2019

Insulation Safety

Today's topic is "Insulation". We all know the benefits of insulation in our homes and commercial structures but there can be a risky downside if the insulation is not properly installed.

For the purposes of this post, we'll be addressing fiberglass batt insulation. There are multiple types and manufacturers of fiberglass insulation. Some have vapor barriers, no vapor barrier, vapor barriers that are non-combustible and vapor barriers that are extremely combustible.

During a recent inspection we found an extremely well insulated attic, however the insulation was installed improperly with the combustible vapor barrier left exposed. OEM warning labels were clearly printed in English on each section of the subject insulation. This highly flammable paper barrier can act like kindling for a fire and the vapor barrier rendered useless because its not facing the interior of the structure. Any number of ignition sources can exist in a structures attic and if the conditions are just right, fire can be the result.

CPSC Warning

Remember, always use licensed contractors when working on your property, pull those permits when required and when in doubt, error on the side of safety.

Call us today - we perform home and commercial inspections throughout Southern California including Laguna Niguel, Dana Point, Irvine, San Clemente, Mission Viejo, Aliso Viejo and a community near you!

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